Vítá vás Kiddům

Centrum mladých objevitelů


We are an education centre organizing clubs of LEGO Education and robotics. At this moment we are cooperating with more than 30 schools in Prague and surrounding areas, where we run programs in the mornings and afternoon clubs. In our centre near Jiřího z Poděbrad (Velehradská 24, Praha 3) we offer clubs for public and one-off events for children aged 4 to 14 y-o.

LEGO EDUCATION programs are specifically designed for children 4-14 y-o and incorporate STEM system of learning combining subjects of maths, physics, mechanics, information technology and robotics.

What we offer

What we offer

Regular LEGO Education clubs for children from 4 years of age which we offer directly in our education cetre in Prague 3, but also in many schools all over Prague. LEGO Education programs are so that children develop in many areas in a fun way. Younger children of preschool age discover the world around them and the first mechanisms with LEGO Duplo bricks, and older children (from 6 years) are engaged in LEGO robotics.

Registration for clubs for the year 2022/2023 is possible in our online booking system (webooker):


Summer day-camps

Throughout the summer holidays, we organize summer day-camps for children from the age of 4. This year in our education center in Prague 3, in Dolní Břežany, in MC Studánka in Zličín, in RC ZaHRÁTka in Hostivice, and in Prague 4 - Jižní Město. The children spend the whole morning with the LEGO Education program according to their age (age groups: 4-6 years, 7-8 years, 9 and over), and then we spend the afternoon outside in the park playing outdoor games or we go for a trip.


Several times a month, we organize one-off weekend events with our LEGO Education program in our education center. You can also order our workshops for a school or kindergarten for the whole class or as part of a group. We also offer the possibility of organizing a project day in schools/kindergartens.

Birthday Parties

A LEGO party with us is a great opportunity to enjoy hosting a birthday party with friends almost without worries. We will entertain the children with the LEGO Education program, prepare refreshments and decorations, and all you have to do is hand out the invitations and provide the cake.

We also offer the possibility of providing only a LEGO program for your birthday party at home.

For schools and kindergartens

We have been cooperating with many schools all over Prague for five years. We offer schools the possibility of providing a regular afternoon club for children directly at the school, one-off workshops for classes or as part of their after school club (družina), organizing a project day, training teachers for the LEGO Education program, or even involving LEGO robotics and programming directly in computer science.

Play area

As part of our children's education center, we have also newly opened a LEGO play area, where you can come and play with your children, or leave them with us for babysitting. In the play area, there are plenty of LEGO bricks and sets available both for small children in DUPLO size and for older ones in Classic size. In addition to bricks, children can also borrow Botley - the programmable robot, LEGO board games, or Vernie - the LEGO Boost robot.

Our team




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Neustále hledáme nadšené, kreativní a dynamické instruktory, které baví práce s dětmi a výrobky značky LEGO®. Chtěli byste se stát součástí našeho týmu, kde si ceníme talentu a zkušeností, budeme rádi, když nám pošlete váš životopis na info@kiddum.cz